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Many activities in South Corsica

Discover the region
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La plage d'Olmeto en Corse-du-Sud
Randonnées à Olmeto
La plage d'Olmeto dans le Valinco
Activités culturelles à Olmeto
L'arrière-pays du Valinco à Olmeto
Profiter de la plage d'Olmeto et du Valinco
Sports vacation in South Corsica

Sports activities

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Sports activities in South Corsica

Let's get active !

Holiday lovers who move? The place gives you access to many sporting activities. In the early morning, go hiking along the coastal path and feel the sea spray on your face while admiring the sunset. Explore the surrounding area by quad bike for an off-road adventure or cycle through the area for a more leisurely discovery of the beautiful surrounding landscapes. Want a more original means of transportation? Enjoy a horseback ride between sea and maquis for an authentic immersion in the heart of wild Corsica. Finally, for the more daring, get your fill of thrills during a canyoning outing or test your courage by treating yourself to a parachute jump in one of the most beautiful spots in Europe. Enough to admire Corsica from every angle!

Balade à cheval sur la plage d'Olmeto
Parapente en Corse-du-Sud
Canyoning dans le valinco
Balade à vélo à Olmeto
Water sports in South Corsica

Marine activities

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Water activities in South Corsica

Along the waves

What would Corsica's reputation be without its idyllic beaches and the many water activities that result from them? Enjoy the splendor of the Corsican coastlines and relax on heavenly beaches such as Roccapina, Tizzano or Campomoro. Go explore the sea and its secrets from the surface to the depths of the water! Opt to rent a boat or kayak to discover all the beauty of the coastline which evolves before your eyes throughout the trip. Explore the depths by diving into the crystal clear waters during scuba diving sessions, to witness the twirling ballet of the region's rich and diverse underwater life. Finally, go to sea with a fishing professional to indulge in the joys of this friendly sport.

Plongée sous-marine à Olmeto
Location de jet-ski à Olmeto
Cultural visit in South Corsica

Cultural activities

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Cultural activities in South Corsica

History doesn't wait !

Rich in its history, the region offers a multitude of cultural activities to learn about the island's past. You can visit the Genoese tower of Propriano, admire its impressive architecture and learn about its historical role over the past centuries. To immerse yourself further in Corsican cultural heritage, nothing better than a walk in the picturesque streets of Sartène, a town which has lost none of its medieval side. Otherwise, go and admire the panorama from the Senetosa lighthouse which will allow you to contemplate the immensity of the sea and the coastlines. For an even deeper dive into the past, pay a visit to the Filitosa Archaeological Park where prehistoric remains reveal fascinating aspects of the earliest traces of life on the island. Finally, immerse yourself in Corsican art and history by visiting the Sartène and Roccapina museums which house rich and captivating collections all year round.

Le port de Propriano
Les Aiguilles de Bavella près de Propriano
Tour Génoise de Capanella en Corse-du-Sud
Le parc naturel d’Olva en Corse-du-Sud
Discover nature in South Corsica

Activities in nature

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Activities in nature in South Corsica

Wild nature

Explore the many ways to experience the surrounding wilderness that our beautiful island is known for. For example, you can visit a local vineyard to immerse yourself in the Corsican wine world with: a walk in the vineyards, discovery of the winemaking process and wine tasting with explanations. If you want to immerse yourself in the heart of nature, pay a visit to the Olva Natural Park. So, you can meet local wild animals and follow a botanical trail to discover the local flora. Finally, embark on a via ferrata to the Aiguilles de Bavella. There, you will have a breathtaking view of the entire island and its many varied landscapes.

Découvrir la nature en Corse-du-Sud
Le sentier du littoral à Olmeto
Randonnée avec paysage sublime à Olmeto